2017 – Thoughts and Goals

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In my last post I went over a lot of my 2016, so it’s time to look ahead to 2017.

In terms of speedrunning and streaming, since that’s probably what you guys are most interested in: I’m afraid the first few months are going to be more like the last few for me. I am going to be very very busy up until May or so. I may find time for some bingos or Beta Quest stuff, and maybe do some No IM/WW runs since it’s short, but I really can’t commit to much more. After that, I would like to do two things: 1) Learn Glitchless, and improve my overall movement and 2) Start doing Majora’s Mask Any% (or All Masks?) Blindfolded. So those are to come. I’m still not quite sure how I want to handle certain aspects of my stream. I feel like I want to try and be more charitable in 2017, and use my stream as a vehicle to do this. I’m really bad at getting donations or using alerts though, so it’s always been off-putting to try and organize a 24 hour charity raising event or something like that on my channel. But this is something I’ve considered doing in 2017 as well. I may at some point do another Bingo Tourney, but this would likely be late summer or so. I hesitate to mention too much more because sometimes I don’t follow through and I don’t want to disappoint people.  I’ll probably buy a Nintendo Switch and get Zelda, but I don’t know how much I’ll stream it at first. I kind of like to explore the game and go at my own pace. We’ll see.


Outside of speedrunning. the most important goal I have for this entire year is going to be pass my Professional Engineering (PE) Exam.  Technically I’m not an engineer yet, at least in the eyes of the government. I’m an “Engineer in Training” (EIT-where my letters in my twitter come from). Passing this allows me to become an official engineer and stamp documents. To try and put this in perspective, this to me would be like what getting partner for an aspiring full-time streamer would be like. It’s huge. I NEED this to move any further in my career. I instantly get a big pay jump, an extra week of vacation and reclassification in the company. That’s just for passing, down the road this allows me to eventually become a Project Engineer (and Manager if I wanted to) and have a lot more influence in the design. So what do I need to do to get this license? Well, already I had to have my B.S. degree from an ABET college. I already had to take an 8 hour exam (FE – Fundamentals of Engineering) and pass that. I need to work for 4 years under a professional engineer (that’s now done). I have to fill out about a billion forms to send to the state board, have them review it, and that’s all for the privilege to just take the exam, which happens to be another 8 hour exam. This exam is in April. I will be doing near daily studying for months. I’ve never been the best at studying, so I am going to have to work hard at it. If I don’t pass the exam it obviously sucks, but it’s not the end of the world, there’s one in October as well. But I’d really like to get it out of the way and done. Then I should never have to study or take an exam ever again!!


I mentioned in my previous post about 2016 that I would be trying to run more. Again, I don’t really like goals like, “Run more” so my target is going to be 1500 miles in 2017. I may shoot for a Fall half marathon, or 10K, or some race to really train for, but I don’t want to dedicate to that just yet. We’ll see how much I can do until April, and then decide after the PE Exam how to proceed. I don’t really have any finance goals this year. No big purchases. Just keep saving. Maybe I look at houses in 2018? Who knows, I don’t mind the apt life and I really like the location I’m at currently. I do want to try and pick out some books and read more. I need to cook more. Again I don’t really like goals like this, I have just struggled to turn them into tangible things. So it may not be a start of 2017 goal, and to be quite honest I’m going to reflect and make more concrete plans of things after that PE Exam, as that is easily the most looming thing in my future. It just makes more sense for me to evaluate things then. I know that probably means another few months of coasting with everything else, but I’m OK with that for now.

Categories: Blogging

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