Author: Runnerguy

2016 – Stats in Review

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If you couldn’t tell from some of my earlier Bingo stuff…I love stats. I’m an engineer, math was always my favorite class. I like collecting stats, I like analyzing stats, and I like to try and interpret meaning from them. So I love to record a lot of my ‘life stats’ throughout the year in an excel file (or two…or three…) and see how I’m doing. It’s time for New Year’s Resolutions and it’s easy to say, “I’m going to lose weight in 2017”, but what does that mean? It’s not tangible, it’s not concrete, it doesn’t really help you get there. That’s like saying, “I want to be faster in speedrunning.” Obviously, we all do. What are you doing to get there? If you aren’t tracking your weight like you track your splits, you are going to have a tough time measuring your progress. Read More

Categories: Blogging

Bingo 8.5 Stats

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I’ve been fascinated with collecting bingo stats for quite some time. I like thinking about questions like, “How often does ‘Two Fairy Spells’ show up on the boards, and how often is it picked? How often does it win? What is that particular item’s average bingo time?” Things like this are part of why I became an engineer.

Back on version 7 of bingo, I started to manually collect some bingo information. Who won, what the card was, what the top times were, etc. This was a tedious process to input into excel, and I grew very dreadful of the days I’d get behind and have to enter a lot of manual data entry. But the end result was kinda nice, I could look at a glance and answer some of the above questions. I could see if there were any items that were repeatedly winning and take advantage of those, but also report them to the guys like Gombill who fix them for future versions.

After version 8, I decided I didn’t want to manually enter info anymore, and got in contact with Saltor06. He helped me so much, and made a python script that would scrape through SRL’s results page and spit out all the raw bingo data in a csv excel file. I then did my excel magic, a little bit of VBA code, and had a very powerful tool to analysis particular players and items for bingo. It was very fun to update after every few bingos and see the stats and how they changed, look at trends, try and spot patterns. Below is a link to the ‘final’ product for Version 8.5 of bingo:




A few things to note:

  • This is a .xlsm file, meaning it is an excel file that uses macros. You will need excel and might have to enable macros from a security feature. You can go in and check my VBA code if you know what you are doing, but note that I’m not a programmer by trade and so my code is certainly very poorly written. But hey, it gets the job done.
  •  You don’t actually have to run any scripts or macros…those were just to take the “out” tab and filter and move the data around. The excel file should be just fine to view as is.
  • That said, you are also free to try and expand and make new tables, charts, etc. if you choose, I’d love to see what you come up with!
  • The tabs at the bottom should be fairly self explanatory, ‘out’ is the raw data, the others are usually split either into player stats or item stats. I have it set to sort and filter a bunch of stats.
  • The pivot tables tab was kinda an experiment, I haven’t messed with pivot tables much but I did use some of them
  • PlayerStats tab is a cool way to look at a particular player.
  • Some of the stats are straightforward, others aren’t.
  • On the PlayerOverview Tab:
    • BBWins is “big boy wins”, a winning bingo where 3 or more players in the race were ranked over 900
    • WinRow is if the player picked the winning row, even if they did not win the race.
    • Snipes/Sniped means you won/lost to someone else (not necessarily for the win, but could be 2nd over 3rd, etc) by 10 seconds or less
    • Blank means that player did not declare their row in the comment, and I shame them for not giving as much info and stats as possible!!!
  • On ItemOverview Tab:
    • The ratio of appeared:used can be over 1, because if it appears once and 5 players picked it, that obviously will play a factor.
    • 900 stats filters for only players that had over 900 ranking (basically top 15 players on SRL)

I hope you guys enjoy some of these stats! Note that I don’t have anything currently going for V9.0, it was pretty crazy at release, and updated several times already to fix some pretty big bugs. So it wouldn’t have a very congruent set. However, V9.1 is coming out soon, and I very much hope it’s rock solid and stable, and Saltor06 can help work with me to get this back up and running. I’d love to start to get some stats again, it’s a fun thing to share with the stream and it honestly motivates me to improve and do more bingos.

Categories: Speedrunning

17 Year Cicadas


IMG_1481It was the summer of 1999. I was a 10 year old boy. Looking back now, I couldn’t tell you much of anything that happened in that particular year of my life. I mean, I can’t even tell you what I had for dinner last week. I’m sure I was playing Ocarina of Time and searching for the triforce, and watching 90s cartoons on Nickelodeon on the weekends. But there is one event that I remember so distinctly, so vividly, that it feels it will forever be etched into my memory. My Dad, Mom, sister, and I were heading to our grandparents’ house, as we often did in the summers on the weekends. They have a large yard in a rural area of southwestern Pennsylvania. Something was a bit odd this time, however. There were several small holes poking through the ground. My Dad, quite the outdoors man, made it very apparent that something incredible was about to happen, and to really soak it in.  Read More

Categories: Nature


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panel-21461493-image-6cfce1d5cfed96db-320Hello everyone! I’m Drew, more commonly known online as Runnerguy2489. This blog will be about some of my thoughts on speedrunning, my hobbies outside of streaming and video games, and some general thoughts on things in general. I hope you enjoy your time here getting to know me a little better.


Categories: Blogging