Month: December 2016

2016 – Stats in Review

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If you couldn’t tell from some of my earlier Bingo stuff…I love stats. I’m an engineer, math was always my favorite class. I like collecting stats, I like analyzing stats, and I like to try and interpret meaning from them. So I love to record a lot of my ‘life stats’ throughout the year in an excel file (or two…or three…) and see how I’m doing. It’s time for New Year’s Resolutions and it’s easy to say, “I’m going to lose weight in 2017”, but what does that mean? It’s not tangible, it’s not concrete, it doesn’t really help you get there. That’s like saying, “I want to be faster in speedrunning.” Obviously, we all do. What are you doing to get there? If you aren’t tracking your weight like you track your splits, you are going to have a tough time measuring your progress. Read More

Categories: Blogging