Looking ahead to 2018

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Now that I have 2017 in the rear view mirror, let’s look ahead to 2018:



In terms of speedrunning and streaming, since that’s probably what you guys are most interested in: I’m definitely going to continue with the MM blindfolded challenge. I feel like it’s been harder than I thought and requires more energy and prep than the OoT ones did, but I enjoy the challenge so far and we’ve made good progress with it after getting sidetracked for about 2 months late in 2016. I am strongly considering doing 100% runs again, at least in the first 3-4 months of 2018. I want to give it another shot even though it’s quite a daunting run and especially because I haven’t done a real run of it in many years. But I promised my subs (Kappa) that I would do it so I’m most likely going to spend January after AGDQ practicing and then hopefully runs to follow in the few months after. We’ll see how this goes. I will probably submit a bingo again for SGDQ. I really want to see bingo get into a GDQ and if it isn’t accepted, then I’ll submit again for AGDQ 2019. If it is accepted, I will probably want to follow up right after with another tourney to ride the momentum. I don’t have too many other stream things really planned this year, no big charity events. However, I NEED to make it a priority to get back up to date on my youtube channel and get stuff uploaded there again. The twitch player sucks, and I would like to have some of my archived stuff on youtube as well. So that’s gotta happen.


Outside of speedrunning, I want to continue to build momentum from running in 2017 into 2018. I think trying to hit 1500 miles again is a good goal, and maybe instead of just a 10K, I may try and get back to a half marathon again, or even a full one in the Fall. I’m also thinking I’ll try and workout again and see if I can stick to 3 workouts a week when I do start that up again, probably in spring or summer. I’d like to give that a decent shot and see how I feel. Another year where I don’t have many financial goals, I just want to steadily keep saving money. I really don’t know exactly where my life is going in this regard, but I just want to keep building a stronger and stronger foundation so that no matter what I decide to do down the line (get married, raise a family, travel the world, whatever) I can be well prepared for it. I have to make it a high priority to cook more. I’m pretty frugal and don’t go out to eat very often, or get much fast food or quick stuff either, which leaves me at home making a lot of basic things currently (pasta, potatoes, rice, frozen dinners). I really need to do a better job here and I want to make it a bigger priority than I have in past years.


That’s really it, I don’t have too much more to say about 2018. I’m not going to throw out a bunch of extra goals just to do so, but what I have written here all seems realistic to me. I hope you all have a healthy year with lots of success in whatever you choose to do!

Categories: Blogging

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