2018 – Stats, Thoughts, Next year’s ideas

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Time to go over the year’s stats and see what happened in 2018!

First, going over some of what I said last year:

In terms of speedrunning and streaming, since that’s probably what you guys are most interested in: I’m definitely going to continue with the MM blindfolded challenge.

Well, I kept that up for a little bit.

I am strongly considering doing 100% runs again, at least in the first 3-4 months of 2018.


I will probably submit a bingo again for SGDQ. I really want to see bingo get into a GDQ

This is one that I did actually accomplish!

For game related goals, I don’t really have much planned in 2019. I’d like to try and do a few more RTA speedruns, maybe get into some bingos again, and also try and do a few more charity month type things again as well, since I did that in September and it was nice. I am determined to get back into MM blindfolded. We’ll see where it goes from there.

Moving forward, let’s look at some stats I keep for 2018!

Let’s look at my drinking total:

Last year I had 119 drinks, this year was a good bit more at 148. That’s another year up, but down from 2015 before where I had 161. I don’t actually set any goal numbers for this, I’d rather just let it happen kind of naturally. Not really trending in the right directly, but I still feel like this is fairly moderate. I still had 22 weeks where I had no drinks at all. And really, the only bad part was that jump in the middle, where I was on the beach all week and had maybe 3 or 4 a day.

Let’s check on my weight, keeping in mind I really had no weight goals either:

This was a bit more chaotic than last year. There are two pretty big jumps: The first one around week 10, I quit playing Pokemon GO. It was getting to be too mentally taxing to keep up with that grind, but boy was I in really good shape, and with less running I instantly put on weight (and pretty much maintained it). The other big jump up to around 150 pounds was in October where I had a bowl of candy behind me all month. I felt it really for the first time: My metabolism is definitely not as fast as I approach the end of my 20s. In years past I would have burned it off no problem, but here I really couldn’t. It did normalize back to 145 or so pretty quickly. The good thing about this is I saw it going up to 150 immediately. If this got to a point where I was uncomfortable I could immediately adjust (eat less, eat healthier, run more, etc.).

Moving on to my running stats:

Not really a great trend here. I started off strong, playing Pokemon GO every day for a year and a half…and then stopped. I kept up with some miles, and started to train for a 10K, but had some issues with my foot and really only was running to and from work. Even with all that, I still cracked 1000 miles for the year.

Here is some stats I keep on sleep:

Nothing here looks out of place. Last year I had about 50 more hours of sleep. I’ll keep tracking it because it’s fun, but there’s really no goals I need to set at this point for my sleep. It kind of just is what it is.

Looking at the info by the day:

This chart looks at a lot of things per day. Some of it is pretty interesting. Like Tuesday’s only having 9 drinks, but Wednesday having twice as much. Hours slept the most on the weekends, which makes sense. Most of my running during the week as I run to and from work.

Moving on to a few financial charts:

The first chart is simply all accounts income minus all accounts expenses. The second one is my net worth. The third is a blow up of the net worth in 2018. I contributed a lot more this year to my brokerage accounts. But what happened at the end there? There were some big spending months in there? Well…not really:

This is what the stock market looked like. As you can see, my dips in net worth line up with when the stocks fell. This will continue to play a larger and larger role on my savings for retirement as I get more and more money in there. I am fine with it, nothing here really scared me. It’s all just noise when these are LONG TERM accounts that I won’t touch for many many years.

I really want to update my excel charts for both money and health for 2020. I’m going to experiment this year with some running apps and maybe some financial ones too. I want it to be more streamlined and also more in depth. I created this back in 2011 and 2012, and they are not really working great for me anymore.

As for other 2019 goals: I don’t really have many. I’m kind of just floating along, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it would be nice to work towards a few things. One is I want to try and work out a bit more, get back to using the home gym weights I have. Another I want is to learn a programming language, like python. I’ve done well in excel VBA but want to expand my knowledge and write some more scripts that will improve some processes for me.

See you all next year with some more stats!

Categories: Blogging

One Reply to “2018 – Stats, Thoughts, Next year’s ideas”

  1. Nice post, I like how organised you are. It’s strange that it seems to come naturally to you and is a lot harder for other people.

    If you want to get more into programming, you definitely should give Python a try. A bunch of people are going to have a bunch of opinions but since you seem to do a lot of Data Analytics, Python should be a major leap over VBA. Check out the Numpy and Scipy libraries + some graphing libraries and you should have a lot of fun.


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