Summing up 2019

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It’s that time of the year again! Let’s see what 2019 looks like at a glance.

Let’s see some of what I said about last year:

For game related goals, I don’t really have much planned in 2019. I’d like to try and do a few more RTA speedruns, maybe get into some bingos again, and also try and do a few more charity month type things again as well, since I did that in September and it was nice. I am determined to get back into MM blindfolded. We’ll see where it goes from there.

RTA runs? Didn’t happen. I was into bingo for about 3 weeks but it fell off again. I did do my September charity streams again and we raised a whopping $2600 for charity! It took me a bit of time into 2019, but I did start up the MM blindfolded again and have been enjoying it!

I really want to update my excel charts for both money and health for 2020. I’m going to experiment this year with some running apps and maybe some financial ones too. I want it to be more streamlined and also more in depth. I created this back in 2011 and 2012, and they are not really working great for me anymore.

I updated my health one and am pretty happy with it. I’ll need to do some more work on it throughout the year but I kind of want to gather some data before making any charts or graphs or summaries. I like the way the data is stored and the way I enter it. My financial one still needs some work, but I’m hoping I can put the bulk of the effort into it this coming month and have it ready.

As for other 2019 goals: I don’t really have many. I’m kind of just floating along, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it would be nice to work towards a few things. One is I want to try and work out a bit more, get back to using the home gym weights I have. Another I want is to learn a programming language, like python. I’ve done well in excel VBA but want to expand my knowledge and write some more scripts that will improve some processes for me.

Still kind of floating. I did workout more consistently in 2019 up until about July, then fell off a bit. Didn’t really get to dive into python yet. It’s still on my list.

Now let’s look at some stats I keep for 2019!

Let’s look at my drinking total:

Last year I had 148 drinks, this year was a bit up at 163. That’s another year up, but about equal to 2015 where I had 161. I don’t actually set any goal numbers for this, I’d rather just let it happen kind of naturally. This is kind of creeping up over the past few years. So I wanted to see a breakdown between 2018 and 2019 in terms of weekly drinks. As you can see, I actually had MORE weeks where I had no drinks. However, notice the weeks that had 3-4 drinks and 5-7. And the weeks where I had just 1 drink. These are subtle changes, but it’s enough to tip the scale overall. The biggest jump here happens to be the week of SGDQ, where I had over 20 drinks in a week.

Let’s check on my weight, keeping in mind that I was trying to work out more:

There is a nice gradual rise from about 148 to 154 pounds in late winter/early spring. I was working out most consistently during this time and that’s a solid 6 pounds that I would say was mostly muscle. I went over 150 pounds for the first time in my life. After that my workouts were more sporadic, and my weight kind of went back and forth around 152 for much of the year. I actually have a new scale that gives me a lot of other data too, so expect to see some more weight graphs next year! Not sure if I want to reach 160 this year or not. If I keep working out I might have a shot at it, but I continue to want to run and there’s really no need to put on a lot of muscle if I still want to run fast.

Speaking of running:

I was not ever really training for anything this year, and I once again topped out over 1000 miles for the year. 1070.5 this year compared to 1049 miles last year for some pretty good consistency. A few things to note here: The two highest weeks are actually on vacations! AGDQ and SGDQ were my most miles. I’ll thank figure8 for that. What’s interesting here is that it’s clear a friendly competition motivates me. I should try and harness this moving forward even if I don’t train for a race. Also notice pre vs post SGDQ (the weeks before and after around week 24): There is a noticeable uptick: I started playing Pokemon GO again, and you can almost see the community day weeks happening every month. Pretty neat how this continues to motivate me to get miles.

Here is some stats I keep on sleep:

I don’t really have any sleep goals, but it was interesting to see that I did do much better this year in terms of consistency: There are far more 7-8 hour nights this year (up 33 from last year) and less 5-6 nights. Interesting trend. I still may try and look into some kind of app to track deep sleep on my watch or phone better in the future.

Looking at the info by the day:

This chart looks at a lot of things per day. Some of it is pretty interesting. Like Tuesday’s only having 3 drinks, but Wednesday has 27? It’s odd how those numbers fall sometimes. Hours slept the most on the weekends, which makes sense. Most of my running during the week as I run to and from work.

Moving on to a few financial charts:

This is my typical monthly snapshot. It shows (Income – Expenses) for the year. Many really good months here. May and August are from expensive April and July months (usually by the time I pay off the credit card for expenses from the previous month, it’s a new month). The market was also down I think in May…but overall the market did very well this year. Which leads to this:

Woah, look at the dip at the end of last year, and where we took off from there. I’ve gotten almost a third of my entire net worth in the last year. This graph continues to encourage me as I push forward with saving money and investing for the future. I feel like I’ve really put myself in a position to do almost anything I want in life. I can move anywhere, I can settle down and start a family, I could buy a house, I could buy land/property, I could retire early. It really feels like I can do anything. Honestly, the most difficult part for me now is figuring out what I DO want to do.

Here’s a new chart I was curious about:

This chart takes my expenses only for the year, and divides it by 12 to get an average monthly spending for the year. A few notes: This doesn’t include taxes…or importantly, healthcare. Those are both taken out of my paycheck automatically. Those are two things I need to track better in the future. But this includes everything else…except for one notable omission: My 2015 year excludes an 18,000 expense for a car, otherwise that year shoots up a lot. I thought this was more representative…I suppose you could make ‘fake’ car payments along the way to offset the cost, but I’m not going into huge detail with this chart. The overall point is: Since 2016, I HAVE experienced some lifestyle inflation. Part of it is kind of by design: I wanted to travel more in 2019 and I did that: I went to AGDQ, SGDQ, a trip to San Diego, one in Austin, and one in HAWAII!!! So that’s where most of the extra comes from. I do kind of want to keep this under control though, so I’ll keep monitoring this chart each year and see how I’m doing.

So looking forward to 2020 goals: I want to continue to make strides with working out more. I want to finally have a year where I drink less than the year before. It’d be nice to be around 125 or 120 again. For finances, I really just want to keep doing what I’m doing, regardless of what the market or future election has in store for it.

I want to finish MM blindfolded. I will be in a different position for my work schedule in 2020: I will be working longer hours, but will have every other Friday off. I know some of them I’ll want to run errands. But others, I might try and pick up a run of some kind. We’ll see how OoT kind of shakes out, but it’d be cool to be top 10 in a category or two again.

I want to write more for this page!! I am almost certain this is going to happen, for two things in particular: Looking for morel mushrooms and looking for ginseng. I want to make this into a diary/journal to log my finds and my thoughts when I’m walking around in the woods. So we’ll see how that goes.

That’s it for now! Hope everyone has a wonderful 2020!

Categories: Blogging

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